$699 USD

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90 Min Strategy Session

1-on-1 Coaching with Roberto Blake, Speaker, YouTube Certified Expert, and Creative Entrepreneur. Roberto can help you grow your Personal Brand, YouTube channel or Online Business. 

Being able to work with you directly means that I get more context about your specific needs and the goals you are trying to accomplish.

Who Is This Coaching Designed For?
Private Coaching is not ideal for everyone, but it can be very effective for discipline individuals who feel stuck or have hit limitations and want to develop strategies for producing better results or addressing weaknesses in their brand or business.

Together we can do a deep dive into your process, and streamline it to be more effective and to enhance your overall productivity, or tackle areas of poor execution and put them in alignment with your goals.

These Coaching Packages and Resources Are Designed For:

  • YouTube Content Creators
  • Digital Entrepreneurs 
  • Podcasters 
  • Live Streaming/Live Video Creators 
  • Public Speakers
  • Coaches and Consultants
  • Social Media Marketers

1-on-1 Session Breakdown

  • Up To 90 Minute Zoom/Skype Session
  • Strategy and Planning Session or Training Session
  • Review of YouTube Channel, Website or Social Media Platforms
  • Review of YouTube Analytics or Social Media Data if Desired
  • Monetization Strategy if Desired
  • Content Strategy and Action Items from Session


Session Recording or Cliffnotes
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