Hi, it's Roberto. I’ve always valued transparency on the web and so I am disclosing that I’ve included certain products and links to those products on this site that I will earn an affiliate commission for any purchases you make. My goal is to help educate you on the possibilities that exist for you as a creative professional or entrepreneur, but please understand I am doing this as a for-profit business and, frankly, so should you.

While it is nearly impossible to go back through and list each and every program that I have an affiliate agreement with, you should assume that any links leading you to products or services are affiliate links that I will receive compensation from. Having said that, there are millions of products and services on the web that relate to blogging and making money online. I only promote those products or services that I have investigated and truly feel deliver value to you. Examples would include BlueHost, Leadpages and Tubebuddy. 


If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me by using the contact email support[at]awesomecreatoracademy[dotcom. 

Cheers and good luck!



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